Ljudböcker / Religion

The New Testament 27 - Revelation
The literary genres of the book of Revelation are an Apocalypse, a Prophecy, and an Epistle (or Letter). The Disciple/Apostle John, who followed Jesus Christ and witnessed His cruc ...

The New Testament 26 - Jude
The book of Jude is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). The author is Jude the brother of James, both of who are half-brothers of Jesus Christ. Jude wrote it circa 75 A.D. The pu ...

The New Testament 23-24-25 - John
The book of 1stJohn is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). It is written by the Disciple/Apostle John around 85-95 A.D. probably from Ephesus. The key personalities are the Apost ...

The New Testament 21-22 - Peter
The book of 1st Peter is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). It was written to all believers in general. The author is Peter who wrote it about 60 A.D. The key personalities are ...

The New Testament 20 - James
The book of James is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). James the half-brother of Jesus wrote it approximately 48-49 A.D. It was likely the first New Testament book (letter) to ...

The New Testament 2 - Mark
The book of Mark is a Gospel that contains Narrative History, Sermons, Parables, and some Prophetic Oracles. This Gospel has somewhat of an emphasis in miracles (27 total) which is ...

The New Testament 19 - Hebrews
The book of Hebrews is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). It was written mainly to the Hebrew believers. The author is anonymous, although either Paul or Barnabas was traditiona ...

The New Testament 18 - Philemon
The book of Philemon is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison), which Paul wrote circa 61 A.D. The key personalities of Philemon are Paul, Philemon, and Onesimus. It was ...

The New Testament 17 - Titus
The book of Titus is a Pastoral Epistle (letter from Paul to a church leader). The author is Paul who wrote it approximately 66 A.D. Key personalities include Paul and Titus. It wa ...

The New Testament 15-16 - Timothy
The book of 1st Timothy is a Pastoral Epistle (letter from Paul to a church leader). The author is Paul who wrote it approximately 62 A.D. The key personalities are the Apostle Pau ...

The New Testament 13-14 - Thessalonians
The book of 1st Thessalonians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). The Apostle Paul wrote it about 52-54 A.D. and it was one of his earliest written letters. The key personalit ...

The New Testament 12 - Colossians
The book of Colossians is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison). Paul wrote it circa 60-62 A.D. The key personalities include Paul, Timothy, Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristar ...

The New Testament 11 - Phillipians
The book of Philippians is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison). Paul wrote it about 62 A.D. as he anticipated his release from prison. They key personalities are the ...

The New Testament 10 - Ephesians
The book of Ephesians is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison). Paul wrote it about 60-62 A.D. The key personalities of Ephesians are the Apostle Paul and Tychicus. It ...

The New Testament 1 - Matthew
The book of Matthew is a Gospel that contains Narrative History, Genealogy, Parables, Sermons, and some Prophetic Oracles. It was written by Matthew (Levi), the Disciple of Christ ...

Hur är det egentligen att växa upp i en kristen familj och att vara en del av en frikyrka? Journalisten Malin Aronsson ger i sin debutbok Kristungen en unik inblick i svensk frikyr ...

Vägledd meditation: Optimera dina sinnen
Under den här meditationen kommer du att optimera dina sinnen så att de kommer i balans och blir skärpta. Du kommer att märka att din koncentration, ditt fokus, ditt minne – ja all ...

Under den judiska påsken 2002 slog en av Hamas självmordsbombare till mot ett hotell i Netanya i Israel. Ett av de många dödsoffren var författaren Bernt Hermeles mamma. Hermele vä ...

Jag mötte Jesus
Journalisten Charlotte Rørth var inte en religiös eller andlig sökare, när Guds Son bokstavligen visade sig för henne och talade till henne i en landsortskyrka i Úbeda i Spanien. E ...

Evas dotter
När en brutalt misshandlad kvinna spolas iland gör den godhjärtade John allt han kan för att rädda hennes liv. Men han upptäcker snart att Lilly inte är vilken person som helst. Ho ...

I sin romandebut öppnar James Martin ett fönster mot tre människors andliga resa. Anne, en frånskild mamma kämpar med sitt liv efter förlusten av sitt barn.Mark, före detta arkitek ...

Conny Walfridsson - minns tiden med Jan Sparring och Samuelsons
Conny Walfridsson var Jan Sparrings pianist under 15år. Conny berättar om sin karriär med bl a den kristna sångaren Jan Sparring och brödragruppen Samuelsons. I programmet hälsar ...

Evangelium enligt Johannes Larsson
Johannes Larsson, nio och ett halvt år, bor med sin familj på Kammakargatan i Stockholm men har fått en märklig förmåga att resa i tid och rum. På det sättet får Johannes med egna ...

Kryddad olja - kvinnor i Bibeln
Ylva Eggehorn tecknar tretton färgstarka porträtt av några av Bibelns kvinnor. "De bär sin hängivenhet och sin förtvivlan, sin styrka och sin sorg genom berättelser slitna av gener ...

Psaltaren (Svenska Folkbibeln 2010)
Under tre tusen år har människor hämtat tröst, kraft och vägledning i Bibelns mest älskade bok, Psaltaren. De 150 psalmerna famnar livets olika skiftningar, både det ljusa ochdet m ...