E-böcker / Historiska faksimil

The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man
A fictional tale set in America at the turn of the 20th century, ‘The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man’ tells the story of a mixed-race man whose lighter skin allows him to pass ...

Irish Wit and Humour
This book contains excerpted anecdotes from the biographies of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell, relating humorous snippets of politics in 18th and 19th century Ireland. For so ...

Nomads of the North
Neewa is black bear cub who loses his mother and is adopted by a hunter and his dog, Miki. However, during a wild canoe ride, Neewa and Miki get separated from the kindly hunter. T ...

Study of a Woman
You know that feeling when you have just sent a text or an email to the wrong person? Well, in the 19th century the equivalent was a wrongly-directed letter - and there is no 'dele ...

Efter över fyrtio år på havet återvänder Jean Peyrol till en liten gård i Toulon i hans hemland Frankrike. Ett land skakat av politisk instabilitet när franska revolutionen lider m ...

The Pilgrims
A knight, hiding from his past, lives alone in an isolated mountain fortress. One day, he gives shelter to two pilgrims and tells them of his sorrows. But the pilgrim’s true intent ...

Charles Dickens is renowned as one of the best writers of the Victorian era, and his after-dinner speeches were very much in demand during his lifetime. Dickens spoke on public occ ...

Avgrundens folk
Jack Londons mästerverk den självbiografiska reportageromanen Avgrundens folk i nyöversättning och med efterord av Christian Ekvall. Jack London var ung som författare - tjugosex ...

Mina universitet
Maksim Gorkijs mästerverk den självbiografiska romanen Mina universitet i nyöversättning och med efterord av Bengt Samuelson. Mina universitet handlar om hur författaren som ung r ...

Den store Gatsby
”Den store Gatsby” är ansedd som en av tidernas mest framstående romaner och skildrar det flådiga livet på Long Island under det glada tjugotalet. Romanen kretsar kring den mystisk ...

Ute i världen
I denna andra fristående del av Maksim Gorkijs självbiografiska romantrilogi har vår huvudperson nått tonåren. Han lever ett liv där han hela tiden måste vara andra till lags. Tak ...

I grönan skog
När kyrkomusikern Dick Dewy en julaftonskväll möter Mellstocks nya skolmästarinna, Fancy Day, faller han genast pladask. Men det råder inte direkt någon brist på beundrare runt den ...

Liten by i Bretagne
Liten by i Bretagne är en doftande och sprakande skildring av den lilla familjen som flyttar till bondbyn vid havet i södra Bretagne. Det är en målande berättelse om naturen, havsf ...

Den mystiska värdinnan och andra berättelser
I denna novellsamling bjuder Dostojevskij in oss att följa ensamvargens fotspår, där han strövar runt i Sankt Petersburgs trånga gränder. Vi får bland annat möta Ordynoff, eremit o ...

In Anton Chekhov's short story 'Happiness' from 1887, a horseman approaches two shepherds just before dawn on a summer's night. He tells them the story of a wicked old man without ...

The Count of Monte Cristo II
He has his freedom and a vast fortune. Now Edmond Dantes wants revenge. To get it, he’ll have to become someone else. In this second volume of Dumas' classic adventure, Dantes tran ...

The Three Musketeers I
Prepare yourself for the ultimate swashbuckling epic! Perhaps Alexandre Dumas’ most famous creation, this tale of heroic swordsmen set the standard for every adventure story that f ...

The Three Musketeers II
France’s fate hangs in the balance! In this second part of Dumas’ classic, our heroes must race across Europe to save the day. It all begins with Queen Anne of France, who is havin ...

Marguerite de Valois
Dive into the drama of the royal court, and meet one of France’s most devious villains. "Marguerite de Valois" is the fast-paced first entry in Alexandre Dumas’ "Valois Romances" s ...

Solange: Dr. Ledru’s Story of the Reign of Terror
When thousands are being executed, would you risk your life to save a stranger? That’s the choice faced by Dr. Ledru in Alexandre Dumas’ "Solange". It’s the time of The Terror, an ...

The Corsican Brothers
Two brothers, blessed with a telepathic connection, living under the shadow of a family vendetta. Can their strange power protect them? In "The Corsican Brothers", Alexander Dumas ...

The Mesmerist's Victim: Andrea de Taverney
Love can blossom even in the most desperate of situations. In "The Mesmerist’s Victim: Andrea de Taverney", the second entry in the "Marie Antoinette Romances", the setting is Revo ...

The Countess de Charny: The Execution of King Louis XVI
Stories of her arrogance and extravagance fanned the flames of revolution. But did Marie Antoinette really deserve her reputation?Alexandre Dumas seeks to find an answer in "The Co ...

Taking the Bastile: Ange Pitou
To rescue one man, they must start a revolution. It’s 1789, and Paris is on the brink of revolt. The king’s own physician, Dr. Gilbert, had been thrown in jail for being a subversi ...

Captain Paul
Chained up in the hold of a French warship, Lusignan’s only hope of escape rests with his captor - Captain Paul. A man with a mysterious past, Captain Paul is transporting Lusignan ...